Sunday, March 27, 2011


The other night when I was putting Jake to bed we got to talking more about Jesus and why we can't see Him. they heck to explain that one to a 3 year old. Well...I was honest...and told him a little about how we cannot see Him now but we will get to see Him when we go to heaven.
"What" Jake replied
"He is with us all the time now, like when you are scared and ask Him to be with you, but you just cannot see him."
Me: "uh-well, because he died on the cross for you and for me and now He is up in heaven and we get to see Him when we go there"
Jake: "I wanna go to Heaven"
"I know, you and me both...we will soon"
Jake: "I wanna go, but after nap time"

Melt my heart and trying not to laugh: "Ok, got it!"
Jake: "Love you mama...(blow a kiss)"

Definitely one tuck-in I hope to never forget!

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