Friday, April 23, 2010

what a year

It is official...Brock is 1!! So nuts, yet again, how fast his first year has flown by. He is amazing. I love this little boy's joy. Like no other baby I have been around before. His smile makes anyone melt and I adore getting to walk around any corner or enter any room where I know his is because he welcomes you with the most genuinely joyful is incredible! He ADORES Jake and Jake ADORES him! We are so thankful. Brock is almost only walking now, so Jake loves to hold his hand and help him...which Brock thinks is the coolest thing ever! Just today Joe said that Brock was holding onto Jake and they were walking around the living room cracking up at eachother.
I so pray for yet another year to get to raise up this little man. I am smitten, I am thankful and I am so blessed by Brock. I cannot see where the next year takes us!

This was Brock's AM wake-up call with singing and candles in cupcakes. The RED icing was crazy staining so we opted to wait for the cake destruction at his party...but here are some pics from our beautiful singing!!

The look I got from Jake when I asked him to give Brock a Bday kiss...priceless:

But he did...

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