Monday, March 5, 2012

the pass-times...

The posts seem to be getting fewer and farther between...Who knows.
Anyways...this blog will still be my diary to these just bear with me and check back every once in a while please?!?
So things we like to do to pass the time around here.
play in the sand box
ride bikes on the driveway
run over Holt in the monster truck
soccer for Jake
gymnastics for Jake & Brock
school 2-3 days a week
The library (a whole new world!!)
go to our friend's house or have them come to ours
drawing and coloring - Jake
helping daddy bake
work the xbox conroller - Jake
work our iPhones - Jake & Brock
Both Brock & Jake LOVE having real conversations. (can't quite understand all of Brock yet, but it sure is cute)
Holt points and "talks" about EVERYTHING
They can strap themselves into their car seats
all three wrestle with daddy every night
They are OBSESSED and play like their super-heros. Jake's fav is Captian America & Brock's is them...
I cannot wait to see who Holt's fav will be.
So far, so good...they love eachother, fight eachother and are three amazingly awesome best friends!

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