Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Noah's Ark

This past weekend me and the boys headed down to Mimi and Grampa's house to play on Friday & Saturday. Friday night we checked out Uncle Nick's first HS football coaching game. Good times at Double Dave's before where we could not get Jake off the rides long enough to eat anything.
Then on Saturday I was able to get a little alone time with the Jakester. We have not had that in a while, so we did a little "date" with Melissa and Landon to the Noah's Ark pool. What fun! I included here some videos of the slides. The first is me and Jake going down the big slide together, and the second (you have to turn your head) is of him attempting to go by himself...what do you think happened??


  1. haha....hilarious! So I thought I was taking a picture, but instead turned out to be a short video - ha! Glad you got to see a bit of it! It was fun, wish we were able to chat more, but it was a tad wild! The kids seemed to have a blast though!


  2. Oh my word! Did he ever go down the slide? Hysterical!
