Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Lately Jake has been saying some of the funniest stuff. I havd to just write some of them down for him to see someday.
The other night we were tucking him into bed and saying our prayers. Every night we ask Jake what he is thankful for. Most nights it comes down to relatives, our bed, mom and dad...ect...
so after his random list I asked him:
"ok, let's say thank you for all of those things"
to which Jake replied "thank you for all of those things"
He is usually really good at repeating lists back to us, but this time he just wanted to wrap it all up very simply. We all could not stop laughing!!
Then since we were cracking up, he starting laughing at himself too, with an awesome thrown back head and a huge belly laugh!

I cannot wait for the next thing funny enough to write down. These kids rock!

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