Thursday, September 29, 2011

chivalry is not going to be lost in this house...

Today after picking up the boys from MDO we came out the parking lot to find that one of the other mom's had had her car broken into and purse stolen. She used my phone and got things"settled" but our boys overheard the entire conversation. Afterwards Jake could not seem to get over why "bad men would take her purse" He promptly said "when I get bigger and a bad man takes another purse I'm gonna be big and strong and get the purse back"
This make my whole heart, mind and body smile all over. Not that I would want him chasing down a crappy purse stealer over just a purse, but the fact that he would want to protect a perfect stranger from danger, if he could.
The whole way home me, Jake and Brock talked through how they will be "superman, then ironman and then batman and catch the bad man"
We also had to touch on how Jesus is going to be very upset with the man someday to which Jake added "ya, he made Jesus very sad"
I love these little boy's hearts. I am so thankful to hear words like those after days and days of thinking that I have been raising them all wrong.
Those teachable moments rock my world...and take my breath away.
Just like Jake and Brock taking their own initiative to hold the door open for all the ladies behind me, and wanting to pray on the sidelines at soccer practice when Jake is "afraid" to go out on the field.

I guess that's why all the teacher's at school are already telling me to look out...all these boys are wanted men in their preschool world!
More to come on those stories later.

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