Monday, June 27, 2011

our little gymnasts

Not that I feel we need to continue this sport nessecarily throughout life (unless they like it) but I figured that taking some gymnastics this summer would be a ton of fun for Jake and Brock. I still remember doing gymnastics as a child...the smell of the gym, the cool stuff we got to do...and now I know why my mom took us. A break. Holt is still by my side, but it sure is nice to only have one and get to crack up laughing at the other two down below.
At first both were very hesitant about it all. We are in week 4 and we are JUST now REALLY liking it. Brock took to it a lot quicker than Jake, but Brock was and still is also in his own little world out there. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in that little brain of his.
Jake kicked a screamed the first couple of weeks, even would just sit and watch the whole class, but I wanted to stick it out for a least a month and I can so glad I did. He now loves it. He listens to to teacher really well, and seems to be doing all the exercises with lots of ease. Makes me so happy!!
Brock has been a little charmer. He loves to sit right next to the teacher. He doesn't listen so well. And if anything involves a ball he is THERE! But, he too is getting really good at it all with time. I love watching the both of them and seeing their different and awesome personalities and watching them excel in their own ways. So cool how God creates such distinct personalities in each of us. are some pics...iPhone, of course and a couple videos. Sorry for the crappy quality and the tininess....but they are pics, non the less.

Jake in the innertube:

Brock on the bars:
Brock schmoozing with the teacher:

Where's Brock?? He's all over the place!

Jake workin' it:

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